帕累托的晚年消耗在为其最著名的作品《社会学总论》(Trattato di sociologia generale,1916年,英译The Mind and Society,《思想与社会》)搜集材料之上。其最后一部作品是《普通社会学纲要》(Compendio di sociologia generale,1920年)。
Rothbard, Murray. After Mill: Bastiat and the French laissez-faire tradition. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought. Classical economics. Ludwig von Mises Institute. 2006: 456–457 (英语).
The Encyclopedia Sponsored by Statistics and Probability Societies. StatProb. 1923-08-19 [2015-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 在他和他法国的爱人养(在乡间别墅里)的一群各色的猫中,当地的离婚法律一直阻拦着他和妻子离婚、再结连理,直到离他去世只剩几个月。 ‘among a menagerie of cats that he and his French lover kept [in their villa;] the local divorce laws prevented him from divorcing his wife and remarrying until just a few months prior to his death.’
Giacalone-Monaco, Tommaso. Ricerche intorno alla giovinezza di Vilfredo Pareto. Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia. 1966, 25 (1/2): 97–104. ISSN 0017-0097. JSTOR 23239355(意大利语).
Pareto, Vilfredo. Principj Fondamentali della Teoria della Elasticità de’ Corpi Solidi e Ricerche sulla Integrazione delle Equazioni Differenziali che ne Definiscono l’equilibrio (学位论文). Firenze: Stabilimento di G. Pellas.
Bellamy, Richard. From Ethical to Economic Liberalism – The Sociology of Pareto's Politics. Economy and Society. 1990, 19 (4): 431–55. doi:10.1080/03085149000000016.
Cirillo, Renato. Was Vilfredo Pareto really a ‘precursor’ of fascism?. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 1983, 42 (2): 235–246. JSTOR 3486644. doi:10.1111/j.1536-7150.1983.tb01708.x. 维尔弗雷多·帕累托被贴上法西斯主义者和「法西斯主义的先行者」之类标签,多因为他欢迎法西斯来到意大利,又受过新政权的荣誉。一些人在他的社会学作品中读出了法西斯的基础。这并不正确:就算法西斯党的写手,他们在这些作品中都未找到多少闪光点,而且一定谴责过帕累托的经济理论。帕累托作为政治思想者直到最后都不断彻底地抱持着自由主义,对法西斯主义也一直相当保留意见,对它的基本政策还一直发声反对。这点的证据可以从他和亲密朋友的通信中看到。有强烈的理由相信,帕累托如果足够高寿,就会反抗法西斯主义了。 Vilfredo Pareto has been labeled a fascist and ‘a precursor of fascism’ largely because he welcomed the advent of fascism in Italy and was honored by the new regime. Some have seen in his sociological works the foundations of fascism. This is not correct: Even fascist writers did not find much merit in these works, and definitely condemned his economic theories. As a political thinker he remained a radical libertarian till the end, and continued to express serious reservations about fascism, and to voice opposition to its basic policies. This is evident from his correspondence with his close friends. There are strong reasons to believe that, had he lived long enough, Pareto would have revolted against fascism.
Di Scala, Spencer M.; Gentile, Emilio (编). Mussolini 1883–1915: Triumph and Transformation of a Revolutionary Socialist. USA: Palgrave Macmillan. 2016. ISBN 978-1-137-53486-6.
Mandelbrot, Benoit; Hudson, Richard L. The (mis)behavior of markets: a fractal view of risk, ruin, and reward. New York: Basic Books. 2004: 152—155. ISBN 0465043577..
Eisermann, G. Pareto, Vilfredo (1848–1923). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2001: 11048–51 [2023-07-19]. 原始内容存档于2009-09-19.
Osipova, Elena. Kon, Igor , 编. A History of Classical Sociology. 由H. Campbell Creighton, M.A. (Oxon)翻译. Moscow: Progress Publishers: 312–36. 1989. |chapter=被忽略 (帮助)
Forte, F.; Silvestri, P. Pareto’s sociological maximum of utility of the community and the theory of the elites. Backhaus, J. G. (编). Essentials of Fiscal Sociology. Conceptions of an Encyclopedia. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang: 231–65. 2013.
Della Pelle, P. (编). Introduction a K. Marx, Le Capital par V. Pareto, edizione critica con il testo italiano a fronte. Canterano: Aracne. 2018 (意大利语).
Pareto, Vilfredo. The Mind and Society [Trattato Di Sociologia Generale]. Harcourt, Brace. 1935.