基督教法西斯主義(Christofascism)是基督教和法西斯主義的有爭議混成詞。這個是一個由多蘿特·瑟萊(英语:Dorothee Sölle)在Beyond Mere Obedience: Reflections on a Christian Ethic for the Future(1970)年所提出的新興概念。[1][2][3]Sölle認為基督教教會包容了獨裁的神學。
Confessing Christ in a Post-Christendom Context.. The Ecumenical Review. July 1, 2000 [2007-12-23]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-11). ... shall we say this, represent this, live this, without seeming to endorse the kind of christomonism (Dorothee Sölle called it "Christofascism"! ...
Pinnock, Sarah K. The Theology of Dorothee Soelle. Trinity Press International. 2003. ISBN 1563384043. ... of establishing a dubious moral superiority to justify organized violence on a massive scale, a perversion of Christianity she called Christofascism. ...