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国际护士节(英文:International Nurses Day,縮寫:IND)是为纪念近代护理学和护理教育的创始人南丁格尔而訂定的。弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔(Florence Nightingale,1820年5月12日至1910年8月13日)是英国的一位女护士。在1854年到1856年的克里米亚战争中,她率领38名护士赴前线参加伤病员护理工作,建立了医院管理员制度,提高护理品質,使伤病员死亡率得到迅速下降。1860年她在伦敦创建了英国第一所护士学校,使护理事业逐步走向专业化、科学化,并且推动了西欧各国以及世界各地的护理工作和护士教育的发展。南丁格尔把其护理经验写成了专著,其中包括《护理工作记录》(Notes on Nursing)。
年份 | Theme | 主題 |
2024 | Our Nurses. Our Future. The economic power of care | 有護理師才有未來,護理創造經濟實力 |
2023 | Our Nurses. Our Future | 有護理師,才有未來 |
2022 | Nurses: A voice to lead - Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health | 引領之聲 – 投資護理 尊重人權 |
2021 | Nurses: A voice to lead - A Vision for Future Health | 引領之聲 – 未来健康照顧願景 |
2020 | Nurses: A voice to lead - Nurses the world | 引領之聲 – 護理世界健康 |
2019 | Nurses: A voice to lead - Health for All | 引領的聲音:人人都享有健康 |
2018 | Nurses A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human right | 引领的声音:健康是一项人权 |
2017 | Nurses: A voice to lead - Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals | 引领的声音:实现可持续发展目标 |
2016 | Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving Health Systems' Resilience[5] | 改變的動力:增進健康體系應變與復原 |
2015 | Nurses: A Force for Change: Care Effective, Cost Effective[6] | 改變的動力:高效能照護和高效益成本 |
2014 | Nurses: A Force for Change – A vital resource for health | 改變的動力:健康之泉源 |
2013 | Closing The Gap: Millennium Development Goals | 缩小差距:千年发展目标 |
2012 | Closing The Gap: From Evidence to Action | 缩小差距:从护理实证到临床应用 |
2011 | Closing the Gap: Increasing Access and Equity | 缩小差距:增加收入和公平 |
2010 | Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Chronic Care | 提供優質社區護理:由護士領導的長期照護 |
2009 | Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Care Innovations | 提供優質社區護理:由護士領導的創新照護 |
2008 | Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Primary Health Care | 提供優質社區護理:由護士領導的初段衛生保健 |
2007 | Positive practice environments: Quality workplaces = quality patient care | 正向執業環境:質優職場就是優質照護 |
2006 | Safe staffing saves lives | 護士人力攸關病人安全 |
2005 | Counterfeits Kills | 偽劣藥品危害生命 |
2004 | Working with the poor; Against poverty | 與貧苦攜手對抗貧困 |
2003 | Nurses Fighting AIDS Stigma : Caring for all | 反愛滋污名:關愛全人類 |
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