版本 |
最終碼位[a] |
碼位数 |
L2 ID |
WG2 ID |
3.1 |
U+10300..1031E, 10320..10323 |
35 |
L2/97-101 |
Jenkins, John H., Proposal to add Etruscan to ISO/IEC 10646, 1997-05-21
L2/97-195 |
N1580 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) |
Jenkins, John; Everson, Michael, Etruscan proposal, 1997-08-16
L2/00-112 |
de Judicibus, Dario, Request of change to the proposal to add Etruscan to Unicode/ISO-IEC 10646, 2000-03-21
L2/00-133 |
Küster, Marc; Dohnicht, Marcus, Altitalische Sprachen, 2000-04-18
L2/00-140 |
Everson, Michael; Jenkins, John; de Judicibus, Dario, Old Italic 10300--1032F (draft block description), 2000-04-21
L2/00-246 |
Anderson, Deborah, Feedback on Old Italic (L2/00-140), 2000-08-01
L2/00-247 |
Anderson, Deborah, Addendum to Old Italic feedback in L2/00-246Old Italic feedback: Addendum (on Umbrian and Etruscan glyphs), 2000-08-02
L2/00-309 |
Everson, Michael, Revised glyphs for Old Italic (Irish comments to FCD 10646-2:2000), 2000-09-10
7.0 |
U+1031F |
1 |
L2/11-146R |
N4046 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) |
Little, Christopher C., Proposal to Encode Additional Old Italic Characters, 2011-05-17
L2/12-386 |
N4395 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) |
Little, Christopher C., Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Old Italic Characters, 2012-11-06
10.0 |
U+1032D..1032F |
3 |
L2/15-181R |
N4669R (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) |
Everson, Michael, Proposal for the addition of three Old Italic characters, 2015-07-28
L2/15-187 |
Moore, Lisa, C.4, UTC #144 Minutes, 2015-08-11
L2/15-262 |
Disposition of Comments on ISO/IEC CD 10646 (Ed.5), 2015-10-26