
  • 地心軌道的參考平面是地球赤道平面。在這種情況的無傾斜軌道稱為赤道面[2]
  • 日心軌道的參考平面是黃道。在這種情況的無傾斜軌道稱為黃道面[2]
  • 太陽系之外的軌道,參考平面是垂直於觀測者視線方向的平面,稱為天球平面[3], chap. 17.


如果參考平面的參考方向被定義在其中的一個平面側,則這兩個交點就可以被區分。對地心和日心軌道,稱為升交點(或北交點)的是軌道上的天體運行到參考平面北側時通過點,而降交點(或南交點)則是天體運行至南側時通過的點[4]。對於太陽系之外的軌道,升交點是天體遠離觀測者時所經過的點,降交點則是朝向觀測者接近時所經過的點[5], p. 137.

升交點的符號是Unicode: U+260A, ☊),而降交點的符號是Unicode: U+260B, ☋)。在中世紀與現代的早期,升交點和降交點分別被稱為龍頭拉丁龍骨阿拉伯ra's al-jauzahar)和龍尾拉丁語cauda draconis)相對應[6], p. 141; [7], p. 245.。同樣的,在阿拉伯語中如ganzaargenzahargeuzaarzeuzahar等已經很少用到的字,都曾被中世紀的西方用來表示這兩個交點[8], pp. 196–197; [9], p. 65; [10], pp. 95–96.希臘的名詞αναβιβάζων和καταβιβάζων也被用來稱呼升交點和降交點,在英文anabibazoncatabibazon表示升交點[11][12], ¶27.






  1. node 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2007-03-09., entry in The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed., New York: Columbia University Press, 2001–04. Accessed on line May 17, 2007.
  2. line of nodes页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), entry in The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight, David Darling, on line, accessed May 17, 2007.
  3. Celestial Mechanics页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Jeremy B. Tatum, on line, accessed May 17, 2007.
  4. ascending node页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), entry in The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight, David Darling, on line, accessed May 17, 2007.
  5. The Binary Stars, R. G. Aitken, New York: Semi-Centennial Publications of the University of California, 1918.
  6. Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables, E. S. Kennedy , Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, new series, 46, #2 (1956), pp. 123–177.
  7. Cyclopædia, or, An universal dictionary of arts and sciences页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Ephraim Chambers, London: Printed for J. and J. Knapton [and 18 others], 1728, vol. 1.
  8. Planetary Latitudes, the Theorica Gerardi, and Regiomontanus, Claudia Kren, Isis, 68, #2 (June 1977), pp. 194–205.
  9. Prophatius Judaeus and the Medieval Astronomical Tables, Richard I. Harper, Isis 62, #1(Spring, 1971), pp. 61–68.
  10. Lexicographical Gleanings from the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury, Andrew F. West, Transactions of the American Philological Association(1869-1896), 22(1891), pp. 93–104.
  11. anabibazon, entry in Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language unabridged: with seven language dictionary, Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1986. ISBN 0-85229-503-0.
  12. New thoughts on the genesis of the mysteries of Mithras[失效連結], Roger Beck, Topoi 11, #1 (2001), pp. 59–76.
  13. Introduction to Astronomy 250, Coordinates, Seasons, Eclipses页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), lecture notes, Astronomy 250, Marcia Rieke, University of Arizona, accessed on line May 17, 2007.


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