斑馬一種 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
細紋斑馬(粵拼:sai3 man4 baan1 maa5;學名:Equus grevyi),又叫葛氏斑馬(got3 si6 baan1 maa5),係奇蹄目馬科下斑馬嘅一挺,同另外兩挺斑馬相比,細紋斑馬係最大隻嘅,耳仔更加長。
請撳 Wikipedia:翻譯/細紋斑馬,去整翻譯請求。(翻譯指引) |
細紋斑馬同另外兩種斑馬唔同嘅地方係,佢哋較原始嘅外表,行為亦都零些唔同。It was the first zebra to emerge as a species. 佢哋係第一個分類到種嘅斑馬。All members of the family are of the genus Equus, but the genus is commonly subdivided into four subgenera; Equus, Asinus, Hippotigris and Dolichohippus.同一科嘅第啲成員冚嘭唥都係馬屬嘅,不過馬屬亦都經常分做四個亞屬:馬亞屬(Equus subgenus)、驢亞屬(Asinus subgenus)、斑馬亞屬(Hippotigris subgenus)同埋斑驢亞屬(Dolichohippus subgenus)。 The Plains Zebra and Mountain Zebra belong to Hippotigris, but Grévy's Zebra is the sole species of Dolichohippus. 平原斑馬同山斑馬係斑馬亞屬嘅成員,而細紋斑馬就單獨劃入斑驢亞屬。In many respects, it is more akin to the asses. 細紋斑馬好多方面都同驢較為相似。Nevertheless, DNA and molecular data show that zebras do indeed have monophyletic origins. 之不過,DNA同分子生物學嘅分析數據就表明斑馬有同驢、馬唔同嘅單一起源。
細紋斑馬分佈範圍喺東非嘅肯雅、埃塞俄比亞同索馬里,重有啲喺肯亞東特卡納(East Turkana)野生動物保護區、Samburu國家自然保護區(Samburu National Reserve)同梅魯國家公園(Meru National Park)。有啲地區嘅細紋斑馬,為咗避開乾旱,會隨季節嘅變化而有規律噉遷移。
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