神經生成(neurogenesis)係指新神經細胞由幹細胞嗰度生出嚟嘅過程。呢種喺成年嘅脊椎動物嘅腦入面好少可會自然噉發生,就算發生都只係限於腦入面嘅某啲部份,而研究顯示,喺新皮層嗰浸神經細胞喺個人出世之前經已形成咗,而且研究亦都表示咗,一粒神經細胞喺功能上冇得由第粒同類細胞取代-呢個諗法就係所謂嘅神經細胞冇得互換定律(law of no inter-changeability of neurons)[8]。雖然係噉,廿一世紀初有科學家嘅研究發現,有人工方法可以將人體第啲部份嘅幹細胞-好似係皮膚嗰度嘅幹細胞噉-變做新嘅神經細胞。理論上,如果有辦法由一個病人嘅幹細胞嗰度產生神經細胞,再用呢啲神經取代受損嗰啲神經細胞嘅話,就有可能局部醫治神經細胞疾病[10]。
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Callaway, Ewen (26 May 2011). "How to make a human neuron". NatureNews. doi:10.1038/news.2011.328. By transforming cells from human skin into working nerve cells, researchers may have come up with a model for nervous-system diseases and perhaps even regenerative therapies based on cell transplants. The achievement, reported online today in Nature, is the latest in a fast-moving field called transdifferentiation, in which cells are forced to adopt new identities. In the past year, researchers have converted connective tissue cells found in skin into heart cells, blood cells, and liver cells.
Llinás, Rodolfo R. (2014-01-01). "Intrinsic electrical properties of mammalian neurons and CNS function: a historical perspective". Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 8: 320.