中脑边缘通路(mesolimbic pathway)又称奖赏途径(rewardpathway),是脑中的多巴胺通路。此通路連接中腦的腹側被蓋區以及前脑基底核內的纹状体。紋狀體中包括有伏隔核及嗅節結(英语:Olfactory tubercle)。 Dreyer JL. New insights into
underlying reward and memory of reward. As previously mentioned, the activity of dopaminergic neurons in the VTA appears to be linked to reward prediction
Logan J, Ma Y, Pradhan K, Wong C, Swanson JM. Evaluating dopamine rewardpathway in ADHD: clinical implications. JAMA. 2009-09, 302 (10): 1084–91. PMC 2958516