1]是可數無窮大的」不成立,證畢。 Original German text of the 1891 proof, with English translation A variation on Cantor's diagonal proof, completely formalized from first
Simons, Roger A., 2011. Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Mathematical Association of America. Hersh, Reuben, 1997
Logikkalküls", doctoral dissertation, University Of Vienna, 1929. This dissertation is the original source of the proofof the completeness theorem. Kurt Gödel,
ISBN 978-1-138-50086-0. 查看维基词典中的词条「有效性」。 Barwise, Jon; Etchemendy, John. Language, Proof and Logic (1999): 42. Beer, Francis A. "Validities: A Political Science