形态发生 Frédérick P.; Geitmann, Anja. Mechanical stress initiates and sustains the morphogenesis of wavy leaf epidermal cells. Cell Reports. July 2019, 28 (5): 1237–1250
呼腸孤病毒科Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. [11 May 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-20). Polly Roy (Ed.). Reoviruses: Entry, Assembly and Morphogenesis . Springer (2006). pg.5
发育生物学 發育生物學(英语:Developmental biology)是對於生物體生長和發育過程的研究。發育生物學研究基因對細胞生長,分化和形態發生(Morphogenesis )的調控,這些過程使生物體形成組織和器官。胚胎學(Embryology)有時被比較明確地規範到生物體單一細胞階段,到獨立個體之間的研究。
红皱岩螺дифференциация рапаны Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846). [The shell morphogenesis and intraspecific differentiation of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846)]"
细胞皮层 Salbreux G, Charras G, Paluch E. Actin cortex mechanics and cellular morphogenesis . Trends in Cell Biology. October 2012, 22 (10): 536–45. PMID 22871642