經顱磁刺激(英语:Transcranial magnetic stimulation) 脈衝電磁場療法(英语:Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) Dunner, David L. 難治型憂鬱症: 110–120. 2013-06-01 [2022-02-24].
經顱磁刺激(英语:Transcranial magnetic stimulation) 脈衝電磁場療法(英语:Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) 經皮神經電刺激 神經肌肉電刺激 干擾波 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Alternating electric field therapy for the treatment of solid tumors. Semin Oncol Nurs. 2018, (34): 137–150. In NH. Cancer therapy that fights brain tumours