婚内强奸強姦的種類(英语:Types of rape) 受害者學 Women Against Rape(英语:Women Against Rape) For a brief overview view of partner rape, see STAR Library - Marital Rape Minnesota Advocates
熟人强奸Cox, S. L. Stranger and Acquaintance Rape: Are There Differences In the Victim's Experience?. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 1988, 12: 1. doi:10.1111/j
印度强奸问题Crime against women, Crime in India 2012 Statistics (PDF), ncrb.gov.in: 81, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于16 January 2016) No country for women: India reported 88 rape cases
印控喀什米爾獨立運動時期的強姦"Rape and sexual abuse of women in international law." European Journal of International Law 5.3 (1994): 327. "women in Kashmir who have suffered rape
针对男性的暴力行为Truth About Women and Violence: Traditional stereotypes have led to double standards that often cause women’s violence—especially against men—to be trivialized