強姦的種類(英语:Types of rape) 受害者學 WomenAgainstRape(英语:WomenAgainstRape) For a brief overview view of partner rape, see STAR Library - Marital Rape Minnesota Advocates
Violence AgainstWomen, January 1998. Washington, DC, International Network on Violence AgainstWomen, 1998. Nobel committee shines a spotlight on rape in conflict
Crime againstwomen, Crime in India 2012 Statistics (PDF), ncrb.gov.in: 81, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于16 January 2016) No country for women: India reported 88 rape cases
Dowdall, GW; Koss, MP; Wechsler, H. Correlates of rape while intoxicated in a national sample of college women. Journal of studies on alcohol. 2004, 65 (1):