betray you? Why did you come here? Solid Snake: ...... Liquid Snake: Well... I'll tellyou then. You enjoy all the killing, that's why. Solid Snake: What! Liquid
Easter Eggs in this program.(此軟體真的沒有復活節彩蛋程式。) $ aptitude -vv moo Didn'tI already tellyou that there are no Easter Eggs in this program?(我不是已經告訴你這個軟體真的沒有復活節彩蛋程式了嗎?)
Al Bhed. Can'tyoutell? Wait, you're not an Al Bhed-hater, are you? / Tidus: I don't even know what an Al Bhed is. / Rikku: Where are you from? / Tidus: