(原始内容存档于2022-06-12) (匈牙利语). UniversityofTheatreandFilmArts, Budapest. szfe.hu. [30 March 2017]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-24). Official website in English (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
Hall)也在此处。在联合广场坐落有李·斯特拉斯堡戏剧和电影学院(英语:Lee Strasberg TheatreandFilm Institute),在纽约大学则有帝许艺术学院(英语:Tisch School of the Arts),而中央公園夏日舞台(英语:Central Park SummerStage)则提供免費的戲劇和音樂演出。
Lepri, Valentina. Polish culture in the Renaissance: studies in the arts, humanism and political thought. Firenze: University Press. 2013: 14–16 [2022-05-19]
一種注目:《下課後的祕密(法语:Un monde (film))》- 蘿拉·汪戴爾(法语:Laura Wandel) 平行單元:《吉光變羽(阿拉伯语:ريش (فيلم))》- 奧瑪爾·艾爾佐海里(影評人週) 金眼睛獎 金眼睛獎:《我們一無所知的夜晚(英语:A Night of Knowing Nothing)》-
and conductor, died today at Auxilio Mutuo Hospital of complications from a heart attack suffered three weeks ago. He was 96 years old and lived in nearby