as the name of thefilm production arm of thecompany. The division was incorporated as Warner Bros. Pictures on March 3, 2003 to diversify film subjects
Company) The Sound of Bells (1952) (short industrial film, Goodrich Corporation) Modern Baseball (1953) (short industrial film, Official Sports Film Service)
《純真年代》(英語:The Age of Innocence)是伊迪絲·華頓的第十二本小說,最初在1920年的《Pictorial Review(英语:Pictorial Review)》雜誌上分四部分連載,後來由D. Appleton & Company(英语:D. Appleton & Company
(原始内容存档于2013-09-21). Gargan, Edward A. Film: Satyajit Ray Honored, Without Profit in His Land. The New York Times (The New York Times Company). 1992-02-16 [2013-10-06]
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