Love、Dear My Friend、Over and Over四首歌曲。 concert tour 2011~2012“ORDINARY” 成立15週年,以專輯『ORDINARY』為主的全國巡迴演唱會。 concert tour 2013“ON AND ON” 15周年過後,踏進新的一頁,與歌迷們約定了會繼續向前走的Super
Teaser Trailer Features Slew Of Celebrity Cameos In Upcoming 'Muppets' Sequel. International Business Time. March 21, 2013 [July 6, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-10)
BIGBANG is sweeping music charts in and out of the country… No.1 in iTunes chart of 16 countries + all new songs ranked in high places. YG Life. 2016-12-13