of Moses),公元一世紀,可能基於公元前二世紀的文本編寫) 以賽亞殉道記(Martyrdom of Isaiah,公元一世紀) 死海古卷部分書卷(Dead Sea Scrolls,約公元前二世紀至公元一世紀,例如《戰卷》(The War Scroll)) 亞當和夏娃的生平(Life of Adam
Uri Rubin, Prophets and Prophethood, Encyclopedia of the Qur'an A.J. Wensinck, Rasul, Encyclopedia of Islam Strong's ConcordanceS Albert Barnes Under Mal
Pentateuch and the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Proximity of the Pre-Samaritan Qumran Scrolls to the SP. Tov, Emanuel (编). Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Qumran
applicability of the Law ofMoses (the Torah), though the Apostolic Decree of the Apostolic Age of Christianity appears to parallel the Noahide Law of Judaism