羅素·優克福公司(Roussel Uclaf S.A.)是一家法國製藥公司賽諾菲製藥企業的幾家前身公司之一。

Quick Facts Roussel-Uclaf S.A., 公司類型 ...
Roussel-Uclaf S.A.
公司類型上市公司 (Société anonyme英語S.A. (corporation))
後繼機構霍伊斯特公司 (Hoechst Marion Roussel)
成立 法國巴黎 (1911年 (1911))
Institut de Sérothérapie Hémopoïétique
ISH (1920)

Usines Chimiques des Laboratoires Français
UCLAF (1928)

Société Française de la Pénicilline

(Roussel-Uclaf, S.A. incorporated 1961)
結束September 30, 1997年 (September 30, 1997)[1]
創辦人Gaston Roussel
代表人物Gaston Roussel (執行長, 1911–1947)
Jean-Claude Roussel (執行長, 1961–1972)
Jacques Machizaud (執行長, 1974–1981)
Édouard Sakiz (執行長, 1981–1993)
Ernst-Günter Afting (執行長, 1994–1995)
Jean-Pierre Godard (執行長, 1995–1997)
總部巴黎 (1911–1995)
羅曼維爾, 法國 (1995–1997)[2]
產品Hemostyl (紅血球生成素, horse serum)
Rubiazol (百浪多息)
Rythmodan (disopyramide英語disopyramide)
Decis (溴氰菊酯)
Surgam (tiaprofenic acid英語tiaprofenic acid)
Claforan (頭孢噻肟)
Mifegyne (美服培酮, RU-486)
Anandron (nilutamide英語nilutamide)
營業額 美元 3.01 billion (1996)[3]
稅後盈餘 美元 340 million(1996)[3]
員工人數15,673 worldwide (1992)[4]
  8,409 in France (1992)[4]
  6,533 in France (1996)[5]



It was the second largest French pharmaceutical company[6] before it was acquired by 霍伊斯特公司 of 美因河畔法蘭克福, 德國 in 1997, with pharmaceutical operations combined into the Hoechst Marion Roussel英語Marion Merrell Dow (HMR) division in the United States. Roussel Uclaf's agrochemical英語agrochemical operations had been transferred to Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH英語Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH in 1994.

HMR subsequently merged in 1999 with Rhône-Poulenc英語Rhône-Poulenc to form Aventis, which then merged in 2004 with Sanofi-Synthélabo to form 賽諾菲, which was since renamed Sanofi. Hoechst Schering AgrEvo merged in 1999 with Rhône-Poulenc's agrochemical division to form Aventis CropScience, which was acquired by 拜耳 in 2002 and combined with Bayer's agrochemical division to form Bayer CropScience.



In April 1980, as part of a formal research project at Roussel-Uclaf for the development of 糖皮質激素受體 受體拮抗劑s, chemist Georges Teutsch synthesized 美服培酮 (RU-38486, the 38,486th compound synthesized by Roussel-Uclaf from 1949 to 1980; shortened to RU-486); which was discovered to also be a 孕酮受體 antagonist.[7][8] In October 1981, endocrinologist Étienne-Émile Baulieu英語Étienne-Émile Baulieu, a consultant to Roussel-Uclaf, arranged tests of its use for medical abortion英語medical abortion in eleven women in 瑞士 by gynecologist Walter Herrmann at the 日內瓦大學's Cantonal Hospital, with successful results announced on April 19, 1982.[7][9] On October 9, 1987, following worldwide clinical trials in 20,000 women of mifepristone with a 前列腺素 analogue (initially 硫前列酮 or 吉美前列素, later 米索前列醇) for medical abortion, Roussel-Uclaf sought approval in France for their use for medical abortion, with approval announced on September 23, 1988.[7][10]


1988年10月21日,為了回應反墮胎的抗議和大多數 (54.5%) 所有者HoechstAG的擔憂,Roussel-Uclaf高管和董事會以16票對4票決定於1988年10月26日宣布停止米非司酮的分銷[7][11]

兩天後,法國政府下令Roussel-Uclaf重新分發米非司酮。[7][12]法國衛生部長Claude Évin英語Claude Évin 解釋說:「我不能允許因墮胎爭論剝奪婦女代表醫學進步的產品。從政府批准該藥物的那一刻起,RU-486立即已成為女性的財產,這不僅僅是一家製藥公司的財產。」[7]1988年4月至1990年2月,僅法國已有34,000名婦女使用免費分發的米非司酮。

Roussel-Uclaf began selling Mifegyne (mifepristone) to hospitals in France in February 1990 at a price (negotiated with the French government) of $48 per 600 mg dose.[7]

Mifegyne was subsequently approved in 大不列顛島 on July 1, 1991,[13] and in 瑞典 in September 1992,[14] but until his retirement in late April 1994, Hoechst AG chairman Wolfgang Hilger, a devout 天主教會, blocked any further expansion in availability.[7][15] On May 16, 1994, Roussel-Uclaf announced that it was donating without remuneration all rights for medical uses of mifepristone in the U.S. to the Population Council英語Population Council,[16] which subsequently licensed mifepristone to Danco Laboratories英語Danco Laboratories, a new single-product company immune to antiabortion boycotts, which won 美國食品藥品監督管理局 approval as Mifeprex on September 28, 2000.[17]

On April 8, 1997, after buying the remaining 43.5% of Roussel-Uclaf stock in early 1997,[18] Hoechst AG ($30 billion annual revenue) announced the end of its manufacture and sale of Mifegyne ($3.44 million annual revenue) and the transfer of all rights for medical uses of mifepristone outside of the U.S. to Exelgyn S.A., a new single-product company immune to antiabortion boycotts, whose CEO was former Roussel-Uclaf CEO Édouard Sakiz.[19] In 1999, Exelgyn won approval of Mifegyne in 11 additional countries, and in 28 more countries over the following decade.[20]


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