Exclusionary Radical Feminists) ... a shorthand to describe one cohort of feminists who self-identify as radical and are unwilling to recognise trans women as sisters
激进妇女(英語:RadicalWomen,缩写为RW)是美国的一个奉行社会主义女性主义的基层活动组织,成立于1967年。它与托洛茨基主义政党自由社会党有联系。它的总部位于西雅图,在澳大利亚墨尔本设有分支。 A bibliography of Socialist Feminism (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
'important spokeswoman' by the radical wing of NOW .... Siegel, Deborah. Sisterhood, Interrupted: From RadicalWomen to Grrls Gone Wild. New York: Palgrave