effect),名稱来自歌德所著的《少年維特的煩惱》。 Thomas E. Joiner, Jr在其报告“The Clustering and Contagion ofSuicide”中认为,容易自杀的人通常在任何自杀发生之前就聚集在一起,一旦这个群体发生了负性事件,那么群体的自杀倾向会增加,这种增加可以通过社会的支持关
自杀契约(英语:Suicide pact) 自殺預防 Simon, R. I., The suicide prevention contract: clinical, legal, and risk management issues, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry
committed suicide since collapse of Soviet Union. Mail Online (London). 22 October 2011 [14 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-11). Heavy Drinking and Suicide in