蒙特婁司法宮(英语:Palais de justice de Montréal) 聖保羅司法宮(葡萄牙語:Palácio da Justiça de São Paulo) 阿根廷國家司法宮(英语:Palaceof Justice ofthe Argentine Nation) 亞洲 布城司法宮 德黑蘭司法宮
Sénat;德語:der Senat)組成,平時於布魯塞爾國家宮召開會議(法語:Palais de la Nation; 荷蘭語:Paleis der Natie)。 PFF (1) Chamber of Representatives (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Senate (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
the military, signed in the presidential palace in Khartoum on Sunday, also provides for the release of all political prisoners detained during the coup