定理。凯尼斯·梅奖授予在数学史方面有杰出贡献的数学史学家。 1966年,梅为了抵制越战,签署了一份抗税宣言。 TimeHasCome: We Will Refuse to Pay Our Federal Income Taxes Voluntarily.. [2012-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-30)
2004-2008》精選碟內。 王雙駿 李端嫻 英師傅 何秉舜(2005年加入) 艷光四射(2004) 梁祝下世傳奇(2005) OurTimeHasCome(2006) We Stand As One(2006) What Really Matters(2007) Goomusic Collection
He has taught us, great things He has done, And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son; But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport