美頜龍科pp. 1-55 In Padian, K. (ed.) The Origin of Birds and the Evolution of Flight. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences 8. Forster CA, Sampson SD
鳥翼類(1986). "Saurischian monophyly and the origin of birds ." In: K. Padian, ed. The origin of birds and the evolution of flight. San Francisco: California, Acad
偽鱷類monophyly and the origin of birds . In: K. Padian, ed. The Origin of Birds and the Evolution of Flight. Memoirs California Academy of Sciences 8. pp. 1–55
恐龍文藝復興 主條目:鳥類的起源(英语:Origin of birds ) 早在19世紀中晚期,就有科學家提出恐龍與鳥類之間有接近親緣關係,而恐龍是爬蟲類與鳥類的中間型動物。在1859年查爾斯·達爾文(Charles Darwin)出版《物種起源》(The Origin of
槽齒目 monophyly and the origin of birds . In: K. Padian, ed. The Origin of Birds and the Evolution of Flight. Memoirs California Academy of Sciences 8. pp. 1–55