創新寫作之後,2003年他成為演員,在倫敦各劇院表演像Murder in the Cathedral, Fresh Kills, The History Boys 和OntheShoreoftheWideWorld的演出。發展他的劇目到西區劇院,他開始與克利斯汀·史萊特表演《與鯊魚游泳》的舞台劇改編,
and the reimplementation of a state-wide mask mandate for indoor public spaces that did not require patrons to be vaccinated), de Blasio stated on December
, 编. The Poems of John Keats. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company. 1905: 277. OCLC 11128824. Bari, Shahidha Kazi. Keats and Philosophy: The Life of Sensations