2020年美國選舉Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, Maryland ). October 17, 2019 [October 17, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-17). Maryland's 7th Congressional District - Ballotpedia. Ballotpedia
安迪·哈里斯Baltimore Sun AP: Kratovil Winner Of 1st District Seat. WJZ-TV. [2008-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-13). Maryland's 1st District . CNN. [2008-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-07)
大卫·J·金Georgia, 2018)佐治亚州第7选区(英语:Georgia's 7th congressional district )民主党籍候选人之一。 大卫·金生于美国马里兰州路德维尔(英语:Lutherville, Maryland )的一个韩裔移民家庭,高中毕业后进入哈佛大学攻读经济学,在校期间曾辅
2024年亚拉巴马州联邦众议员选举News. 2023-11-28 [2023-11-28]. U.S . Chamber Endorses Rep. Robert Aderholt for Alabama's 4th Congressional District . U.S . Chamber of Commerce. 2024-08-09
華盛頓地鐵綠線Line's route in October 1981, but only in Prince George's County (not the District ). A month later, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals turned down Metro's appeal