把鞋子其中一腳藏起來 塗鴉 Ito, Junko; Mester, Armin. Appendix. Japanese Morphophonemics: Markedness and Word Structure. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2003: 231. ISBN 978-0-262-59023-5
kostet die Banane? – 香蕉多少錢? spät Uhr - zu später Zeit – 晚了。 Deumert, Ama. Markedness and salience in language contact and second-language acquisition: evidence
ISBN 3-11-015751-9 van Riemsdijk, Henk. (1978) A Case Study in Syntactic Markedness: The Binding Nature of Prepositional Phrases. Dordrecht: Foris. 古典的荷蘭語變格(英语:Dutch