1130年前後,亨利一世准許倫敦市民自行推舉兩名郡長(英语:Shrievalty of London),並同時管轄米德塞克斯:這意味著倫敦市和米德塞克斯郡直到《1888年地方政府法令(英语:Local GovernmentAct 1888)》頒佈實際是作爲同一行政區管轄的(郡不是市的附庸)。到1141年,
Union Act 1871 The Representation of the People Act 1884 Parliament Act 1911 People Act 1918 Northern Ireland in the Government of Ireland Act 1920 Bill
Leopard's Hill Press. Boulton, J. (1992). "The Marriage Duty Act and parochial registration in London, 1695–1706". In: K. Schürer, & T. Arkell (eds.), Surveying