首都不是最大城市的國家列表(英语:Listof countries whose capital is not their largest city) 特定首都的列表(英语:Listofpurpose-builtcapitalcities)(英文) 外首都列表(英语:Listof capitals outside of the
Indonesia)位于雅加达特区,是东南亚最古老的持续有人居住城市(英语:Listof oldest continuously inhabited cities)之一。不过,2024年4月25日《雅加达特区法令(英语:Special Region of Jakarta Act)》生效后,根据该法令第63条规定,
of Interior. [2019-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-09). 南非三個首都之一。 De facto capital. 按照法律的 capital is Plymouth. Part of 塞班岛 island, which is the capitalof Northern
ISBN 978-0-521-73165-2. General principles of the design of all-purpose computing machines. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and