189侦察机與許多其他軍機上· 許多安裝於飛機上的MG 17機槍後來被撤換下改裝為步兵使用機槍·1944年1月1日前,官方報告顯示總共生產了24271挺機槍。[1] 輕武器列表(英语:Listoffirearms) 二次大戰期間輕武器列表(英语:Listof World War II infantry weapons)
suicides and the availability offirearms: analysis of longitudinal international data. Poster presented at the 歐洲an Congress of Epidemiology, Utrecht. 2006-06-28
homicide by firearms, but not on suicide by firearms. (UNODC 2000)The Seventh United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice