Lewin's students) White, Ralph K., and Ronald O. Lippitt, Autocracy and Democracy (1960, 1972) ISBN 0-8371-5710-2 (White and Lippitt carried out the research
dissent contains one of the most famous formulations in American law: that the states should be free to serve as laboratoriesofdemocracy Graglia, Lino.
雖然有不服從和停止憲法的事實,但這四位參謀長(英语:Chief of Army Staff (Pakistan))和同夥(英语:Gang of Four (Pakistan))皆未因此在法庭上被撤銷榮譽或是被判處叛國罪。對此,許多民主運動(英语:Democracy in Pakistan)認為他們的罪刑被調查機構