交重稅,因此她领导了不列颠诸部落反抗罗马帝国占领军统治的起义。她在惠特灵大道战役慘敗後不願被俘而服毒自盡去世。布狄卡一直是英国重要的文化标志。 Davies, John. A History of Wales. London: Penguin. 1993: 28. ISBN 0-14-01-4581-8
(原始内容存档于2009-07-10). John Paton Davies, a leading diplomat who was among the old China hands driven from the State Department after Senator Joseph McCarthy questioned
Objects. 2007 [2007-06-23]. (原始内容存档于2007-07-10). Davies p. 104 Davies p. 107 E. I. Chiang and M. E. Brown. KECK PENCIL-BEAM SURVEY FOR FAINT KUIPER BELT