林太乙擔任《讀者文摘》總編輯23年,直到1988年退休,退休後和丈夫移居美國。 War Tide《戰潮》,The JohnDaycompanyNew York(1943) The Golden Coin《金幣》,The JohnDaycompany,New York(1946) The Eavesdropper《偷聽者》,World
Armageddon Around the Corner: A Report on Jehovah's Witnesses. 美國紐約: JohnDayCompany. 1962: 34, 228 (英语). Did Jesus Die on a Cross?. 美國紐約: 耶和華見證人官網. [2024-07-14]
Court Publishing Company, 1927. Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx: A Revolutionary Interpretation New York City: JohnDayCompany, 1933. Christianity