疼痛出於臨床研究的需要,國際疼痛研究國際疼痛研究協會(英语:International Association for the Study of Pain)將疼痛定義為「由真正存在或潛在的身體組織損傷所引起的不舒服知覺和心理感覺」。 疼痛是主觀的感覺,早於1968年疼痛處理專家马戈·麦加费利(英语:Margo
神经痛IASP Terminology: neuralgia. International Association for the Study of Pain(英语:International Association for the Study of Pain). [16 April 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-13)
神經性疼痛型的神經性疼痛,此外运动皮层电刺激术、深部脑刺激、鞘内药物输注等方法也可能有效。 Taxonomy. International Association for the Study of pain. [3 May 2015]. (原始内容存档于13 January 2015). Kaur, Jaskirat;
对乙酰氨基酚conditions for acute pain of mild to moderate intensity, the quickest reported time to onset of analgesia with APAP is 8 minutes9 for the iv route and
癌痛International Association for the Study of Pain 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2011-09-28. Treatment-Related Pain Gonzalez GR, Foley KM & Portenoy RK. American Pain Society