Charlton. The life of Major General James Jackson. Reprinted. 1809: 54–56. Daiss, Timothy. Rebels, Saints, andSinners Savannah's Rich History and Colorful
House,英国BBC Two(2010-) 《魅力克利夫蘭》(Hot in Cleveland),美国TV Land(2010-) Sirens,英国Channel 4(2011) 《皮囊》(美版)(Skins),美国MTV(2011) The Playboy Club,美国NBC(2011) Death
Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters) 《女人領地(英语:IntheLandof Women)》(IntheLandof Women) 《賭你愛上我(英语:Lucky You (film))》(Lucky You) 《瞞天過海:13王牌》(Ocean's
PlayStation Plus Extra And Premium On Day One. GameSpot. 2023-02-23 [2023-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-19) (美国英语). Baker, Harry. Saints & Sinners: Chapter 2 Launches