政府,回国后进入英国财政部工作,此间负责处理爱尔兰大饥荒。 Mann, Charles. 1493: How Europe's Discovery of the Americas Revolutionized Trade, Ecology and Life on Earth. Granta Books
HarperPerennial. 2005. ISBN 978-0-00-714720-5. Stanhope, Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Earl. Life of the Right Honourable William Pitt. (4 volumes). John Murray
Wellesley, 2nd Duke of Wellington) 子:查爾斯·韋爾斯利勳爵(英语:Lord Charles Wellesley) 孫:亨利·韋爾斯利,第三代威靈頓公爵(英语:Henry Wellesley, 3rd Duke of Wellington) 孫:阿瑟·韋爾斯利,第四代威靈頓公爵(英语:Arthur