"联想外籍火炬手传情荆州:让世界了解中国 (Lenovo foreign torchbearer in Jingzhou: Let the world know China)" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), ZDNetNews (China), 4 June 2008. Retrieved 2011-01-28
Historical exchange rates and graph for JPY / USD from 12 March 1983. fxtop.com. [2020-10-02]. ¥1,060,000,000 = $4,467,662 Historical exchange rates and
York Times. 2008-07-27 [2008-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-07). Wolman, Baron. Gallery of The Popular Image. San Francisco Art Exchange. [2008-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-28)
Guest)合作过他的四部伪纪录片:《人狗情未了(英语:Best in Show (film))》、《歌声满人间(英语:A Mighty Wind)》、《为你痴狂(英语:For Your Consideration (film))》和《吉祥物(英语:Mascots (2016 film))》。同时库里奇还出演过《灰姑娘的故事(英语:A