Anticorruption Bureau)则分别负责国家的反有组织犯罪和反腐败工作。 波兰的应急服务系统由急救体系(英语:EmergencymedicalservicesinPoland)、国家消防局(英语:State Fire Service)以及波军中的搜救单位组成。波兰的急救服务由地方政府运营
2041–6. PMID 2042547. Campbell, R; Bybee, D. Emergencymedicalservices for rape victims: Detecting the cracks in service delivery. Women's Health. 1997, 3
New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority. [2008-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2006-11-11). AMYL NITRITE. EmergencyMedical Products, Inc. [2008-03-27]
amphetamines develop full-blown psychosis requiring care at emergency departments or psychiatric hospitals. In such cases, symptoms of amphetamine psychosis commonly
Ashley L. Integrating Mental Health and Addictions Services to Improve Client Outcomes. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 2013, 34 (10): 752–756. PMID 24066651