美国空军Chief of Staff)、助理副参谋长(Assistant Vice Chief of Staff)、总军士长(Chief Master Sergeant)、四个参谋次长(Deputy Chief of Staff)、美国空军軍醫總監(US Air Force Sergeon
美國軍隊結構牧师长(Chief of Chaplains) 陆军总军士长(Sergeant Major of the Army) 后勤副参谋长(Deputy Chief of Staff (Logistics)) (G-4) 工兵主任(Chief of Engineers) 项目副参谋长(Deputy Chief of
美國聯邦機構列表美国财政部长(Secretary of the Treasury of the United States ) 美国财政部副部长(英语:United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury)(Deputy Secretary of the Treasury) 美国司库(英语:Treasurer
美国旗帜列表General of the United States Army Flag of the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 Personnel of The United States Army Flag of the United States Army Combined Arms
美國陸軍系列凱西·瓦丁斯基中校曾是西点军校的經濟學教授,當時他將線上美國陸軍電腦遊戲的計畫,提議給美國陸軍(人事)副參謀長(英语:Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 Personnel of The United States Army)與美國陸軍人力暨後備事務助理部長,在說服他們這項計畫的成本以及未來預計可得到的高效益成