政府科学办公室 (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). Department for Innovation , Universities and Skills (DIUS) - BERR. Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. 2007 [8 March
商业贸易部of Science and Technology)移交给新的创新、大学及技能部(英语:Department for Innovation , Universities and Skills ),内阁办公厅监管改革执行办公室(英语:Better Regulation
英国教育部继续教育和高等教育职责移交给创新大学和技能部(英语:Department for Innovation , Universities and Skills )而来,负责英格兰地区19岁以下儿童的教育和保护 2010-至今,教育部(Department of Education),第二次使用该名,由儿童
英格兰教育Departmental report 2008 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2009-01-31., Department for Innovation , Universities and Skills . 其余的预算中,14.3亿英镑用于高等教育,4.9亿英镑用于继续教育。 中央情报局对联合王国的估计,见世界概况United
南漢普郡between local authorities, universities and businesses set up in 2011 by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills . Different departments of the