波什尼亚克族(英语:Bosniaks of Serbia)政党 马其顿族(英语:Macedonians in Serbia)政党 阿尔巴尼亚族(英语:Albanians in Serbia)政党 弗拉丹·格利西奇(英语:Vladan Glišić)(原愛國者聯盟黨籍) Wikisource: Constitution of Serbia
选举观察员组织宣布,选举是按照最低民主标准有效进行的,但注意到一些影响投票率和选举结果的违规行为。欧洲安全与合作组织报告说,民主机构与人权办公室(英语:Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights)之前的许多建议没有获得通过,同时批评媒体缺乏自由。选举之后,塞尔维亚进步党继续
had its political correlative in the victory of the ultranationalist wing of the Liberal DemocraticParty (LDP) when Abe Shinzō became Japan's prime minister
新 罗马尼亚社会党 24,580 0.35 0 0 Partyof the Roma 13,126 0.19 1 0 Democratic Forum of Germans 12,375 0.18 1 0 Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania