gracefully and effectively they learn to do this, the more they begin to sound like themselves as writers, rather than like all the other writers around them sound
apparently did not like the film, and an audience track from a test screening等內容。 《Romantic comedy》the concept being spoofed in thisfilm 《驚聲尖笑》嘲諷恐怖電影 《非常男女》嘲諷校園電影
《堅強之島(德语:Strong Island (Film))》(Strong Island) 2018:《赤手登峰》(Free Solo) 《黑尔郡的日与夜(英语:Hale County This Morning, This Evening)》(Hale County This Morning, This Evening) 《滑板少年》(Minding
(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Article published in Ouest-France, 24 January 2007 : "Fifteen days after her husband, Lennart Green, Jeanne Green-Le Flem [...] died Friday