EP17400B1, J. B. Goodenough, K. Mizushima, P. J. Wiseman. 米国特許4357215 J.B. Goodenough and K. Mizushima. M.M. Thackeray, W.I.F. David, P.G. Bruce, J.B. Goodenough
Scott(b. 1929), Olice Thomas(b. 1926), and Velma Bozman Traylor(1923–47) from the Glee Club and formed the Happy Land Jubilee Singers. Irvine, David. Fields'
direct=true&db=bsh&AN=9070399&site=ehost-live&scope=site (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)>. Henderson, David R. "David 李嘉图." The Fortune Encyclopedia of 经济学. 1993. Jamelske, Eric M
327-329. Butler, Richard J.; Galton, Peter M.; Porro, Laura B.; Chiappe, Luis M.; Henderson, D. M.; and Erickson, Gregory M. Lower limits of ornithischian