California Museum)、克羅克藝術博物館(英语:CrockerArtMuseum)、加州州立鐵路博物館(英语:California State Railroad Museum)、加州州議會博物館(英语:California State Capitol Museum)、加州名人堂(英语:California
Both formats are available from the Internet Archive. Metropolitan Museum of Art - Gallery Images: Free Image : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
governors of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: FormAsia, 1995. 《香港大學歷史》,University Museum and Art Gallery,造訪於2009年5月9日。 "Foreign Concessions and Colonies", World Statesmen
for the American People. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. with High Museum of Art and Norman Rockwell Museum. 1999: 100, 102. ISBN 0-8109-6392-2. Henningsen, Vic.
(Air Warfare) and the Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, 1987, 简明摘要 Crocker, H.W. Don't Tread on me: A 400-year history of America at War, from Indian