The outbound tunnel to Congress Heights was completed in June 1998. The Georgia Avenue–Petworth and ColumbiaHeights stations were completed in September
168街車站(英語:168th Street station),曾名華盛頓高地-168街車站(英語:Washington Heights–168th Street station),是美國紐約地鐵IRT百老匯-第七大道線及IND第八大道線共用的地鐵站複合體,位於曼哈頓華盛頓高地168街及百老匯交界,設有以下列車服務:
Line)是華盛頓都會區捷運系統的一條路線,大部分的車站與藍線及綠線共用,僅有兩個車站不與其他路線的軌道重疊。 Lazo, Luz. Potomac Yard Metro station delayed again, now likely to open in 2021. The Washington Post. August
(原始内容存档于2019-04-08). Trains To Ship Canal — But They Whiz by Washington Heights Stations. The New York Times. March 13, 1906: 16 [August 16, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-30)
Before the Committee on the District of Columbia and the Subcommittee No. 4 of the Committee on the District of Columbia, 1969, p. 129 Washington Post, Rockville