温迪·露丝·舍曼(英語:Wendy Ruth Sherman,1949年6月7日—)是一名美国教授和外交官,曾担任美國副國務卿和政治事務國務次卿(英语:Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs)。她是哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的公共领导教授和公共領導中心(英语:Center
Art (1973). Weber, Bruce. "Sherman Lee, Who Led Cleveland Museum, Dies at 90," New York Times. July 11, 2008; Kappes, John. "Sherman Lee, who led the Cleveland
Bibcode:2003E&PSL.211..259F. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00202-4. Wright, Dawn J., Sherman H. Bloomer, Christopher J. MacLeod, Brian Taylor, & Andrew M. Goodlife
Shawyer, Bruce; Watson, Bruce. Borel's Methods of Summability: Theory and Applications. Oxford UP. 1994. ISBN 0-19-853585-6. Stein, Sherman K. Archimedes: