English) 巴爾的摩英語(英语:BaltimoreEnglish)(BaltimoreEnglish) 費城英語(英语:Philadelphia English)(Philadelphia English) 紐約市英語(英语:New York City English)(Metropolitan New
Arthur; Trudgill, Peter, English Accents and Dialects: An Introduction to Social and Regional Varieties of British English, Baltimore: University Park Press
(HMS Pickle),将纳尔逊将军特拉法加海战大捷及战死的讯息带回英国的快船 巴尔的摩的骄傲二号(英语:Pride of Baltimore)(Pride of Baltimore II),重制品,一艘巴尔的摩快速斯庫納船 托马斯·W·罗森号(英语:Thomas W. Lawson (ship))(Thomas
Economic Survey of Ancient Rome Volume V: Rome and Italy of the Empire 1st, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1940 Diocletianus emperor, William Martin Leake