circumstances, these organizations may receive the artworks in lieu of the heirs. Although most of the stolen artworks and antiques were documented, found, or recovered
Tony同人畫集總集篇(C76販售) Tony線画集 Tony's Line ARTworks Vol.1 (C77由世嘉販售,光明系列線稿本) Tony's ARTworks from Shining Wind Tony WORKs Ciel編年史(Tony WORKs Cielクロニクル)(十八禁,ISBN 978-4-86379-107-7)
Himalayan Art With a Lofty Mission. The Washington Post: N01. October 17, 2004 [March 1, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-01). Barbanel, Josh. Himalayan Artworks at 17th