1841: Andrew Rutherfurd September 1841 – October 1842: Sir William Rae October 1842 – July 1846: Duncan McNeill July 1846 – April 1851: Andrew Rutherfurd
1940年5月12日—1940年10月4日 总理 温斯顿·丘吉尔 前任 Leslie Burgin(英语:Leslie Burgin) 继任 AndrewRaeDuncan(英语:AndrewRaeDuncan) Leader of the London County Council(英语:London County Council)
(London). 2007-11-01 [2007-11-05]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-11). Nottage, Jane; Rae, Richard. Teams target the next generation of stars. The Times (London: News