皮肤病学 Dermatologists) 美國臨床皮膚病學期刊(英语:American Journal of Clinical Dermatology ) 皮膚病學史(英语:History of dermatology ) 皮膚科醫師列表(英语:List of dermatologists) 皮膚病 皮膚病列表 维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:皮肤病学
妊娠多形疹dermatoses: diagnosis, management, and controversies.. American journal of clinical dermatology . 1 February 2011, 12 (1): 25-41. PMID 21110524. doi:10
克催瑪汝therapy for fungal infections, in: American Journal of Clinical Dermatology (英语:American Journal of Clinical Dermatology ), 2004, 5 (6), S. 443–451, PMID 15663341
毛髮角化病Tanus A, Tosti A. Clinical , dermoscopic, and histopathologic features of body hair disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology . March 2015, 72
偉大的模仿者 Etiopathogenesis, morphology, differential diagnosis, and clinical management. American journal of clinical dermatology . 2006, 7 (6): 375–82. PMID 17173472. doi:10