Camelot最初的計劃是開發單部《黃金太陽》,而非所見現在的系列;在專案的早期階段,他們本計劃將《黃金太陽》設計到任天堂64上,但當任天堂64將被任天堂GameCube取代的跡象出現時,Camelot便集中精力將遊戲開發於掌機Game Boy Advance平台[42];但直到此時,《開啟的封印》仍然只打算設計成一部。由於Game Boy Advance的容量有限,加之開發者亦有設計成兩部之意,遊戲終以《黃金太陽 開啟的封印》和《黃金太陽 失落的時代》兩作的形式面世。在編劇高橋宏之和監製高橋秀五設計的《光明與黑暗III》中,遊戲將通過「正」「反」兩個視角看待世界,由於是個銜接劇情的有效方法,因而在黃金太陽系列的設計上也是如此,即讓玩家在《開啟的封印》中控制「正派」,在《失落的時代》中控制「反派」[43]。
在2001年,《開啟的封印》獲得任天堂力量獎之年度最佳Game Boy Advance遊戲。遊戲亦排到IGN讀者票選遊戲前100的第94位[59]。在2007年,GBA壽終正寢之時,遊戲獲得IGN最佳Game Boy Advance遊戲排名的第24名[60];因為「驚人的視覺和音效,以及至少30小時的通關時間」,該網站也將黃金太陽系列評為2003年4月的月度遊戲[61]。在由任天堂力量舉辦的全任任天堂主機遊戲TOP 200中,遊戲排名第31[62]。
Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語). Male villager: The huge waterfall at the edge of the world is known as Gaia Falls.
Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語). Old male villager: Well, at least Gaia Falls will put an end to a few silly arguments. After all, if it's got an edge and you can fall off it, the world is clearly FLAT!
Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語). In-game text: Ages ago, or so the stories tell, the power of Alchemy ruled over the world of Weyard. Alchemy wrought the base elements of humanity into thriving civilizations, like lead into gold. But in time, man's dreams gave birth to untold strife. Dreams of endless riches, of eternal life, of dominion over all that lived... Dreams of conquest and war.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Menardi: How could we have anticipated Sol Sanctum would unleash such fury? / Saturos: It's a miracle that even the two of us were spared. / Menardi: That switch... It must have been a trap. / Saturos: But to think it could conjure up a storm this powerful! / Menardi:...Another demonstration of the awesome powers of Alchemy. / Saturos: Regardless, we must not fail the next time we challenge Sol Sanctum.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Dora: Where do you all plan to go today? / Garet: We're going to Mt. Aleph with Kraden. / Dora: Mountain climbing with Kraden, eh? Kids and their games... / Jenna: No! It's part of our studies... / Dora: Ah, yes... Alchemy.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Felix: I know I've caused you much grief, Jenna. It was a miracle that I survived that day... / Saturos: We are the ones who saved him. / Menardi: We saw him floating unconscious in the river as we passed. / Felix: I've been with them ever since... I've experienced a lot.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Saturos: You heard us... If you wish to save your friends, then give us the Elemental Stars! / Menardi: Do you accept our terms? / Isaac: Yes. / Kraden: No, Isaac! You must not give them the Elemental Stars! / Saturos: Why would you deny us? Don't you want your friends to be safe?
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). The Wise One: The volcano will erupt... Without the power of the Elemental Stars to contain it, the magma flows freely once again, and this chamber is collapsing.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Saturos: Forget about them. They won't make it out alive. / Menardi: But Saturos, there's still a chance they might survive. / Saturos: Anything is possible... So what do you suggest we do? / Alex: We take this "Jenna" with us... If they survive, they will want her back. And if they want her back, they will bring us the Star.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). The Wise One: The world will be exposed to the threat of Alchemy. / Garet: Alchemy? A threat? / The Wise One: It can be a dangerous power if it is misused... If the Elemental Stars ignite the flames of the four lighthouses, that power will be released. As long as the four lighthouses remain unlit...
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Ivan: Your quest has been on my mind ever since I left Vault. Remember? I read everything that happened in your minds. I couldn't just leave, not with all these terrible things happening. If I can't rescue Master Hammet, then I want to help you... Please, allow me to join your quest.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Garet: It's too late! The lighthouse has already been lit! / Mia: It... It can't be! The beacon cannot be lit without the Mercury Star...
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Iodem: There were seven? Is this the same group you were following before? / Soldier 2: I'm certain of it. One of them must have been...Sheba. / Iodem: Sheba, you say... Is this true!? / Soldier 1: The scholar Kraden was protecting her. I'm sure it was Sheba... / Iodem: Did you hear that, Isaac? What do they want with Sheba?
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Saturos: I hope you don't think you've finished us off. / Mia: You may not be finished, but you can barely stand. / Menardi: Right now, yes... But we'll be back on our feet... as soon as we do THIS! / Saturos: (Throws the Venus Star into the Venus Lighthouse well) / Ivan: Oh, no! He threw the Elemental Star into the lighthouse! / Mia: How could this happen... We couldn't keep them from lighting the beacon! / Saturos: That's not all... The energy of the beacon will restore our power.
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Saturos: Heh heh... Felix is the least of your worries right now. / Mia: Oh my-they're glowing! / Menardi: It's time you learned what true power is! / Ivan: Their Psynergy is overflowing! / Saturos: Hya ha ha! It's too late to run! / Garet: Uh-oh... They're fusing! / Ivan: They've merged into one another! Everyone get back!
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Saturos: How... How... did we lose? / Menardi: We are superior in every way, but still we were defeated...
Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語). Garet: We did it! We won! / Ivan: We beat them...but have we really won? / Isaac: Yes. / Ivan: Even though we couldn't stop the beacon from being lit? / Garet: What are you talking about? We did everything we could! Sure we couldn't save the Venus Lighthouse, but... We beat them! They're gone! You saw them fall down into the pit... So we don't have to worry about any more beacons being lit! / Mia: But Felix is gone, and he's taken Sheba...